Electromagnetic Spectrum Energy
Resonance Energy
Resonance Energy Products Gallery
The Ultimate Energy Source . . .
. . . Should be
never ending, fully self-renewable, and should not compromise the
Electrons fluxed by
magnetic resonance meet all of these requirements. This electromagnetic
system is universally available - electron spin phenomenon produces both magnetic and electrical flux . When
intercepted naturally, or with
man-made devices, it provides useful energy. The electrical flux is subject to Ohm’s Law and a heat death , not
so for magnetic resonance energy which freely
amplifies based the
Fibonacci Series . Therefore
when transformed back at the
higher level , it provides
more output than input
as per Gibbs
from Chemistry
. Excess energy remaining from
a reaction is
referred to as
Free Energy . Leverage
of any kind such as explosions , levers ,
pulleys , hydraulics , and resonate magnetic
flux amplification are
forms of Over Unity . The Source
of this additional Energy comes
from the Earth’s Ambient
Background . Conventional
energy is captured when magnets and coils are moved relative to each other.
Faraday's action at a distance is
provided by magnetic flux , which replicates when encountering a receptor.
Capture of these energy at resonance does not diminish the source, after
all, resonate electrons have been in flux since the beginning of time and
remain undiminshed.
Multiple capture
devices with exact copies of the magnetic resonance source provide greater
output than input. As such, self-sustaining electrical devices become a
reality. See the Devices in the
Gallery which show Proof of Principal.
Special interest Physics
is tainted and has written this
out of the literature , ignoring what
You have just learned .
generators ( dynamos, et al ) do not make electricity; they simply collect
it from the magnetic flux field which spins the adjacent electrons. Electrical flux always diminishes when
returning to ambient. Magnetic flux, however, freely replicates when
resonate, providing duplicate copies
of the originating source without diminishing or degrading the source .
Action at a distance by this magnetic resonance multiplies the energy
present through electron spin.
Devices based upon this knowledge provide self-sustainable
electrical motors and generators.
At first glance it
seems a concept more suitable to science fiction than hard science.
However, Magnetic Resonance Energy is very real and useful, and we have
demonstrated it for audiences from around the world. This
is the Wheelworks of
Nature as described by
Tesla others . Magnetic Resonance Energy is everywhere
abundant, clean, and completely self-renewable. Other sources of alternate energy
have serious problems
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